Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Parade of Homes push ( Final Green Touches)

This time of year is just a blur with the Homebuilders parade of homes coming starting next Wednesday the 20th. Our biggest push right now is installing 3 rain gardens and the burms required to make them work properly.

For the last 2 days we have been stripping out the clay and installing new top soil and compost to make the yard absorb the rain water that comes off the home roof and from slope run off. The object is to get the water back into the ground water and filter it as quickly as possible to keep it form being contaminated. Our last step is to install the materials into the rain garden that will facilitate this process when the big rains come. Its sort of a holding area when bigger rains come. Its a lot of work but virtually eliminates standing water problems or running water on your neighbor that is always an argument point between neighbors.

The cost to install them is not terribly expensive but is labor intensive. You are able to control the rain run off from the roof right away and get it directed to the best location to avoid things like having it sit close to the foundation where it has a chance to seep into the basement at unprotected waterproofed areas.

One thought that I had was:
"why are these not being installed in existing homes where water is a problem!!!"
its a much easier fix this way than trying to regrade the yard every year to solve a water problem that may not go away.
Sometimes the best solution is not fight the problem but accept it and use the issue to make something that looks great and good landscaping will add instant value to your home. Most landscaping projects will add double the value of cost to the value of your home. Most interior home improvement efforts may make your home sell faster but are at best a break even.

Think about green first when investing in your home!!! GREEN SELLS EVERY TIME!!!!

Craig Fairbanks

Build Buy or Sell Homes

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