Thursday, August 14, 2008

Heading down the stretch

As we push hard to get our parade home done for the 20th its always a stressful time. But there is always a point when you can see the end and know it is all going to work. No one else sees it only the contractor, I've been here many times and can see that everyone is doing there job to the best ability possible. Frustrating yes satisfying much more. It takes many pieces of a puzzle to make it all work, hours have been spent just designing making selections and

then like magic the landscaping gets completed and the carpet and floor coverings go in and then you know, ya thats what I was looking for. Those landscapers and carpet layers get all the credit, and yet as a customer you know that it was by your direction that it happened. Your dream caused everyone to meet step up and make your dream happen.
Then when a customer allows you to show off their home in the parade of homes, now that is special. Many people think that it is the builder who gets to show off and yet without that quality customer your effort and work would never have a chance to get noticed.

Our parade of homes model opens at 301 Spruce Hills in Cedar Falls
next Wednesday the 20th of August. We will look forward to seeing you there. With that I would like to express my appreciation to all of the customers who for the last 12 years have made a parade home possible to exhibit what is possible in custom home building thru a common effort. It is hard yet satisfying at the same time for all builders who participate.

It seems like such a short time ago that the parade started and building in the Cedar Valley was very slow. The Parade of Homes seemed to propel the housing boom some 12 years ago that we saw here until last year. Now we are seeing the interest picking up tremendously as the predicted total collapse of the home market never materialize here in the Valley.

Many of the new building has been for the Boomer generation looking to build that final home. When almost 60% of head of households in the area are over 45 it just makes sense why that is happening. Maybe this type of home is just what you have been looking for.

Hope to see you there this next week thru the 24th.

Craig the Builder
Build Buy or Sell

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